More information on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Freedom for the Obsessive Compulsive
Michael Emlet
Some of the common obsessions experienced by people with OCD are repetitive checking, cleaning, arranging, and hoarding. What causes it? Is it a spiritual or sin issue? In this booklet Michael Emlet discusses the causes and gives a biblical approach to helping those who fight it. He shows how trusti... (more)
More information on On Being Presbyterian
Sean Michael Lucas
A lay-friendly introduction to Presbyterian beliefs, practices, and history. Helps readers grasp what it means to be a Presbyterian in a postmodern age. "Dr. Sean Lucas is a first rate scholar who writes with depth, breadth and passion for his topic. On Being Presbyterian is highly recommended f... (more)
More information on One: All-age Bible- Acts
Michael Forster
The One is a thoroughly modern version that tells the story to every generation: a truly all-age Bible. This vibrant new interpretation of Acts of the Apostles uses engaging, contemporary language.
More information on Opening Up Amos
Michael Bentley
The LORD roars from Zion and thunders from Jerusalem; the pastures of the shepherds dry up, and the top of Carmel withers." So begins the prophecy of Amos! Why does the Lord roar? What had led to such abuses of privilege on the part of the people of Israel in that day? What happens when God's holine... (more)
More information on Opening Up Zephaniah
Michael Bentley
When did you last hear a sermon based on a passage from the prophecy of Zephaniah? This is one of the most neglected books in the whole Bible. It was delivered and written after many years of silence from God. The northern kingdom of Israel, or Ephraim, had already been deported by Assyria, never to... (more)
More information on Outposts of the Faith: Anglo-Catholicism is some rural parishes
Michael Yelton
The Anglo-Catholic movement which flourished in the early and mid twentieth century is famed for its dedicated and heroic work in inner-city slum areas, yet little is recorded about its impact in rural areas, nor have the stories of its more flamboyant rural priests been told. "Outposts of the Faith... (more)