More information on Nanny To The Rescue
Michelle LaRowe
With a spoon full of wit, a bag full of wisdom, and a book brimming with the best child rearing tips, this 2004 International Nanny Association "Nanny of the Year" helps the medicine of parent challenges go down easier.
More information on Nanny to the Rescue Again!
Michelle LaRowe
Faced with multiple choices regarding school, friends, and activities coupled with the ever-widening influence of the outside world, parents of 6-12 year olds need help. America's nanny is back to offer a large dose of healthy parenting advice with secrets for raising happy, secure, and well-balance... (more)
More information on Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook with CD
Robert J Morgan / Joshua Rowe
The 2009 edition of Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook is an entire year's collection of all-new preaching and worship resources. It includes sermons from outstanding pastors arranged by each Sunday of the calendar year. Sermons, creative outlines, illustrations, and quotes for every Sund... (more)