More information on Married for Life
Stuart Briscoe / Jill Briscoe
The old adage of "opposites attract" is certainly true of Jill and Stuart Briscoe. He is a pragmatic, nutsandbolts man; she a visionary, with a heart for people. From the beginning, these two personalities have had much to learn about each other. Married for Life brims with delightfully funny and po... (more)
More information on Ministering Like The Master: Three Messages For Today's Preachers
Stuart Olyott
Christ was not a boring preacher! 'How wonderful is would be,' says Stuart Olyott in the introduction to this book, 'if Christian preachers throughout the world were ministering like their Master!' Drawing on examples of Christ's preaching from the Gospels, Olyott challenges preachers today with thr... (more)