More information on Let Go: Live Free of the Burdens All Women Know
Sheila Walsh
Burdened. The word alone makes shoulders sink. It slows down our lives. It clouds our vision. It is the result of so many memories, grudges, fears, uncertainty, and stress. It is heavy. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matt 11:28) Overworked? Overco... (more)
More information on Life Worth Living, A: Saying No To Sex/Beating The Bully
Sheila Jacobs
Saying no to sex isn't cool, is it? Being a Christian starts to get really difficult when Sammy tries to help her friend Amanda see that sleeping with her boyfriend isn't part of God's great plan for her. Sammy finds out that standing up for her beliefs is very hard - especially when the whole schoo... (more)