More information on I Believe in the Historical Jesus
I Howard Marshall
Few would deny that a person named Jesus lived and died during the first century of this era. Yet opinions differ widely as to the reliability of the New Testament record of his life. In I Believe in the Historical Jesus, Marshall surveys the quest for the historical Jesus from the 19th century to... (more)
More information on Inward Journey, The
Gene Edwards
Written to guide those who are spiritually searching, this book explores the meaning of suffering, transformation, and God's ultimate purpose through the story of a young man's questioning and his own spiritual journey.
More information on Is Religion Dangerous
Keith Ward
Holy wars, crusades, discrimination, intolerance - these by-products of religion are all that many contemporary commentators can see. But is religion dangerous? Is it a force for evil or even "the root of all evil," as Richard Dawkins has claimed? Does religion lead to terrorism and violence? Are re... (more)
More information on It's Me Again Lord: Prayers for Teenagers
Prayer isn’t meant to be difficult. After all, it’s just about you and God having a chat. And like any chat, it can be about anything. God’s not just interested in the big things, like war and poverty, but about you, your life, what you’re up to. He wants to know what makes you tick, what gets you a... (more)
More information on It's Not Fair! -- Finding hope when times are tough
Wayne A Mack / Deborah Howard
When people complain about their lot in life, thinking God is not treating them as He should, they need to read "It's Not Fair!" It s Not Fair! comes alongside each person where they are, and moves them to a place where they can finally rest in God s attributes of omniscience, omnipotence, love, and... (more)