More information on Haggai/Malachi (Shepherd's Notes)
Barry E Morgan
Holman Bibles provides this extensive collection of study books that offers through but concise summaries and important information about the books of the Bible and Christian classics.
More information on Holy God Holy People (Paperback & Free CD)
Hugh D Morgan
Holiness is no optional extra in the Christian life. The command of God to every Christian is, 'Be holy, because I am holy'. In days when the distinction between the Christian and the unbeliever is becoming increasingly blurred, this is a necessary title. Originally published as The Holiness of G... (more)
More information on Humble God
Densil Morgan
The author, a university teacher of theology, has taken his basic introductory course and adapted it for a lay audience. It addresses the questions that every Christian ought to be asking: how did the Bible come together? Why do we believe it to be true? What is faith? How do we know God? What does ... (more)