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Henry Halley / Jean E. Syswerda
This terrific guide makes it easier for you to understand the purpose of each Bible book. You'll learn about who the heroes and villains were, whre and when they lived, and why the did what they did. You'll see how the details in the Bible fit together in an incredible way. and you'll find special v... (more)
More information on Halley's Bible Handbook With the New International Version
Henry H Halley
Now in full color, the twenty-fifth edition of Halley’s Bible Handbook provides time-tested help for understanding the Bible—not just with the mind, but also with the heart. It includes a concise Bible commentary, important discoveries in archaeology, related historical data, church history, maps, a... (more)
More information on Halley's Bible Handbook: Large Print
Henry H Halley
Halley's Bible Handbook was born out of Henry H. Halley's conviction that everyone ought to read the Bible daily. From its first edition, a small give-away booklet of 16 pages, it has grown into a 864-page "almanac" of biblical information, used regularly by hundreds of thousands of laymen, teachers... (more)
More information on Healthy Weight Loss
Dr Gary Smalley
Just as our relationships are interconnected, so are our health and our weight. In this book, Dr. Smalley will give you seven steps to getting control over how and what you eat, and the impact this approach will have on your relationships.
More information on Hope For Ever: The Christian View of Life and Death
Stephen S Smalley
A fresh look at the Christian view of life and death. Hope in relation to life and death is a topic of great importance. It seeks to make sense of history, with its evil and suffering as well as its good. Moreover, the topic forces us to give a full account of God. The doctrine of hope pushes enq... (more)