More information on God Still Matters
Herbert McCabe
Herbert McCabe, who died in 2001, was one of the most intelligent Roman Catholic thinkers of the twentieth century. An influence on philosophers such as Anthony Kenny and Alasdair McIntyre he was also befriended by poets and literary critics such as Seamus Heaney and Terry Eagleton. Equally at hom... (more)
More information on God Still Matters (Continuum Icons Series)
Herbert McCabe
Here we have the chance to read McCabe on the topics that interested him most - philosophy of God, Christology, Fundamental theology, Sacramental theology and ethics.
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Herbert O'Driscoll
In his newest book, O'Driscoll helps us find the presence of Christ in those places we would rather avoid: the sorrows, the heartbreaks, and the challenges of everyday living.
More information on God, Christ and Us
Herbert McCabe
After the considerable success of "God Still Matters" by Herbert McCabe, here is a more popular collection of his spiritual writings, sermons and addresses. They can be compared to the addresses of the great preachers of this century in English - Leslie Weatherhead, Dean Inge, Donald Soper and H.A. ... (more)