More information on Family Walk - 52 Weekly Devotions For Your Family
FAMILY WALK is a compilation of daily Bible studies from FAMILY WALK, a devotional guide published monthly by Walk Thru the Bible Ministries and dedicated to bringing families together around values that really count.
More information on Father, Son & Holy Spirit - Relationships, Roles & Relevance
Bruce A Ware
The doctrine of the Trinity is at once difficult and awe-inspiring. Because of the complexity of the Trinity, many Christians accept it as truth but push it into the recesses of their formal but inactive beliefs, having only a vague understanding of God's triune nature. Bruce Ware examines the Tr... (more)
More information on From Grief To Glory
James W Bruce
The Lord has numbered each of our days. But few parents expect that their days will be longer than their child's. When a child is buried, parents also bury the hopes and dreams, the joys and experiences that won't be shared. James Bruce and his wife walked through the darkest trial of their faith... (more)