More information on Facing the Giants: Novelization by Eric Wilson
Stephen Kendrick / Alex Kendrick / Eric Wilson
Never Give Up. Never Back Down. Never Lose Faith. After six consecutive losing seasons, high school football coach Grant Taylor believes things can't get any worse. He's wrong. With fear and failure defeating him in football and in life, the downtrodden coach and husband turns to God in desperation... (more)
More information on Faith of George W. Bush
Stephen Mansfield
This book allows readers to see how George W. Bush interjects his faith and belief in God into every detail of his life. From the President's devotional time alone each morning to his frequent incorporation of Scripture into his speeches, Bush relies upon his faith to direct his actions and goals.
More information on Fearless
Tom Stephen / Virginia Starkey
Are you: Afraid of failing? Scared of not having enough money? Worried about the ones you love getting hurt? Anxious about what others think? Afraid of dying? Worried you aren't good enough? Wondering what disaster will strike next? You don't have to live in fear. It's time to find f... (more)
More information on Feeding Your Appetites (Unabridged Audio on 5 CDs)
Stephen Arterburn / Dr Debra Cherry
Whether it's chocolate, cars, travel, sports, the Internet, TV, work or sex, every person has the God-given capacity for enjoying things. Our earthly appetites, like fire, can serve many good purposes and fill our lives with warmth. But when those appetites get out of control, they can become an inf... (more)
More information on Finding the Yes in the Mess
Stephen Critchlow
This is an important, very readable, timely contribution which tackles the problem of suffering. How is it that God's almightiness does not prevent or interfere with areas of pain, into which we would act if we had the ability? Does a loving God really care or is he not almighty? Both non-believers ... (more)
More information on First Steps: The Handbook to Following Christ
Stephen Gaukroger
A down-to-earth explanation of how to live when you make a decision to follow Christ. No heavy theology, but a practical, light approach with plenty of humour. Originally published as Making It Work, completely revised and updated, with fresh illustrations, new material, and a very much strengthened... (more)
More information on For Us and for Our Salvation
Stephen Nichols
A history of the formation of the doctrine of Christ that offers some sure footing for Christians to respond to contemporary challenges to this central doctrine.
More information on Forsaken, The
Stephen Arterburn / Mike Moscoe
One man faces his worst nightmare—twice. A thrilling new novel from the Every Man team! Ben Taylor’s just a regular guy. Married to his beautiful Annie, with good kids, and a career that brings him great joy. But the world as he knows it suddenly shifts beneath his feet. While his job is su... (more)