More information on Feeling Secure In a Troubled World (Life Principles Study Series)
Charles F. Stanley
Live Courageously Through Your Faith in Christ Discover God's provision for your life in a 12-week study by Dr. Charles F. Stanley. Circumstances in life can change in a heartbeat. An alarming doctor's report or the loss of a job can threaten your peace and joy. However, you can live courageously ... (more)
More information on Fields of Gold
Andy Stanley
Fields of Gold is a practical and inspirational book on the principle of sowing and reaping. If we sow fear, what will be our harvest? And conversely, if we sow faith, what will we grow? This book moves the reader beyond fear and guilt about money and into confidence, security, and excitement. Andy ... (more)
More information on Fields Of Gold
Andy Stanley
A practical and inspirational book based on the principle of sowing and reaping. If we sow fear, what will be our harvest? And conversely, if we sow faith, what will we grow? This book moves the reader beyond fear and guilt about giving and into confidence, security, and excitement. Andy Stanley unp... (more)
More information on Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Old Age - Life Changes after 50
Stanley C Baldwin
Stanley C. Baldwin writes this humorous book to help you face--and conquer--the physical, emotional and spiritual challenges of aging. It started almost 15 years ago. My wife Marj and I had moved to a new community and visited a local church. We arrived for Sunday school, were warmly greeted, and... (more)