More information on Connect! 2: Churches Going Global
Tim Jeffery / Ros Johnson
The church's role in world mission is to send their people and money to mission agencies - right? Churches that try to get involved directly in mission in another country are bound to get it wrong and make all sorts of mistakes. Cross-cultural church-to-church partnerships will always end in... (more)
More information on Connect! Your Place In A Globalised World
Jeffery, Tim
The context of world mission is undergoing radical change. The combined effect of globalisation, postmodernity and the growth of the global church is forcing western Christian agencies to consider new and different ways of fulfilling the great commission. In their new book, Connect!, Tim Jeffery and... (more)
More information on Connect!: Finding Your Place
Peter Brierley / Tim Jeffery
Accompanying the Connect! book this practical workbook helps the UK church respond to the challenges of globalisation. The world is changing - and changing fast! Globalisation is changing the way the world works. Postmodernity is rewriting the way many people think about the world and our place... (more)