More information on Caring for Others Today
Sylvia Green
More information on Christian Life and Work (DVD Set inc. leader's guide)
Mark Greene
This six part DVD resource and step by step leader's guide will help small groups to: Know the joy of working for God from "9-5". Support each other effectively at work. Raise the profile of secular work in your church. Make a difference for God in your workplace. It draws together a host of exper... (more)
More information on Church Without Walls: A Global Examination of Cell Church
M Green (ed)
The decline of the traditional church in the West has met with the emergence of new ways of being the people of God. One of these is the phenomenal growth of cell churches - small groups of committed Christians meeting in homes and spawning new cells with enthusiasm. Whilst the cell church movement ... (more)
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More information on City Changing Prayer - When God's People Pray, Anything Can Happen
Frank Green / Debra Green
Imagine a regular city-wide gathering of Christians united and focused in prayer. Imagine a church that serves local institutions and asks nothing in return. Imagine the crime rate falling; teenagers praying; people beginning to believe that there’s something in this thing called prayer. Frank ... (more)
More information on Corinthian Agenda, The
Michael Green
The church has always seemed to specialise in controversies that last for centuries. Take for instance baptism, spiritual gifts, women in leadership, giving, and sexual morality. Like timebombs waiting to go off, they threatened the life of the church at Corinth founded by the apostle Paul. An... (more)
More information on Courage in Dark Places
Jan Greenough