More information on Basic Christianity
John Stott
More information on Basic Christianity
john Stott
"We must commit ourselves, heart and mind, soul and will, home and life, personally and unreservedly, to Jesus Christ. We must humble ourselves before Him. We must trust Him as our Savior and submit to Him as our Lord; and then go on to take our place as loyal members of the church and responsible c... (more)
More information on Basic Dictionary of Bible People, A
Julien Chilcott-Monk
Bible people are included here by their main groupings: prophets, kings, patriarchs, judges, apostles, the friends of Jesus, figures in the early church, people whom Jesus healed, children in the Bible, and the unnamed figures - like the woman at the well or the rich young ruler - who recieved a spe... (more)
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Leonard Scott
More information on Becoming a Christian
John Stott describes the fundamental human problem, outlines the Christian answer to it, and shows readers how to respond to God's truth.
More information on Being a Christian
More information on Biblical Principles For Building A Successful Business
Rich Brott / Frank Damazio
A comprehensive blend of information, expert analysis and proven business strategies that will serve as an invaluable resource for building your business. This book gives you the practical tools you need to plan, prepare, and grow a cutting-edge enterprise in today's competitive environment. Endorse... (more)
More information on Biblical Principles for Releasing Financial Provision!
Frank Damazio / Rich Brott
7 Keys to Open Heavens - This resource is dedicated to all individuals who want to enter into God's financial provision and desire to obtain His favor in their personal life, their business life and in all that they purpose to do. From the foreword by Dr. Jack W. Hayford: "Biblical Principles for Re... (more)