More information on An A-Z Guide to Getting Married - A Survival Handbook
Getting married. Surely there's more to it than white dresses, suits, flowers, and bridesmaids? Of course there is! Getting married is merely the start of an exciting journey that can last a lifetime, and there is so much for you and your other half to think about and prepare for other than just the... (more)
More information on An A-Z Guide to Getting Older: A Survival Handbook
In this A-Z guide, Eleanor Watkins takes a light-hearted look at what may happen to us as we age, but shows that it's not all doom and gloom - it can be a time where life is rich and fulfilling. Your children have left home, you have the chance to enjoy being a grand­parent yet also relish the freed... (more)
More information on Soul Of Wit, The
Watkins, Peter
A collection of wit, satire and humourous quotations about the Church, its clergy and the people who put up with them. Spanning the centuries from Chaucer to modern times, it is a send up of the human foibles that so often get in the way when the Church tries to live up to its calling.