More information on Forsaken, The
Stephen Arterburn / Mike Moscoe
One man faces his worst nightmare—twice. A thrilling new novel from the Every Man team! Ben Taylor’s just a regular guy. Married to his beautiful Annie, with good kids, and a career that brings him great joy. But the world as he knows it suddenly shifts beneath his feet. While his job is su... (more)
More information on What Works When Life Doesn't
Stuart Briscoe
Popular author Stuart Briscoe understands that for many Christians the wonderful promises and benefits of Christianity do not seem to work. Happiness is elusive, doing right does not always pay, stress is not eased, and suffering continues. In this new edition of Briscoe's popular book, he shares so... (more)
More information on Time Bandits: Putting First Things First
Stuart Briscoe
Who Is Stealing Your Time? Each day, there are things you know you have to do. Then there are things you really ought to do, plus things you desperately want to do. But how do we find time for it all? Stuart Briscoe, former senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, presents an o... (more)
More information on Vital Truths To Shape Your Life
Stuart Briscoe
Popular speaker Stuart Briscoe offers wise counsel on the life-changing decisions that everyone makes. This book awakens readers' desire to think through what's really important and learn how to make decisions that will lead to greater well-being.
More information on Married for Life
Stuart Briscoe / Jill Briscoe
The old adage of "opposites attract" is certainly true of Jill and Stuart Briscoe. He is a pragmatic, nutsandbolts man; she a visionary, with a heart for people. From the beginning, these two personalities have had much to learn about each other. Married for Life brims with delightfully funny and po... (more)
More information on One Year Book of Devotions for Men
Stuart D Briscoe
Recognizing that men and women face unique spiritual needs, these 365 convenient, concise, and uplifting devotionals help readers focus each day on God's priorities. Each day's selection includes a key NLT Scripture verse, a devotional reading, and a suggested Bible passage for further study.