More information on The Art of Connecting
R Crowne / B Muir / A Little
Most Christian teenagers are not interested in sharing their faith because doing so seems unnatural, phony, and manipulative. The Art of Connecting helps teenagers discover a new, natural, and real way to live their Christian life that causes people around them to ask them about their hope and joy. ... (more)
More information on Journey The Way of the Disciple
Richard Littledale
An accessible and thought-provoking devotional look at the nature of discipleship through the lens of pilgrimage. What do we learn about God whilst on the move which could not be learnt whilst stationary? From Abraham, Moses, Ruth to Jesus himself and the apostle Paul, the Bible is full of s... (more)
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More information on Stale Bread?
Richard Littledale
This book encourages those who preach regularly but feel that their preaching has become stale. Through a new way of preaching, called narrative preaching, it explores the benefits to both preacher and listener. Richard Littledale gives you the tools to bring home the real impact of stories that ha... (more)