More information on Oriel in the Desert: An Archangel's Account of the Life of Moses
Robert Harrison
Released in September 2004, this is the third title in the best-selling Archangel Oriel trilogy. Oriel's assignment is to get alongside Moses at the 'burning bush experience'as he receives instructions to set the Israelits free of Egyption oppression. Oriel closely follows Moses in his ministry in t... (more)
More information on Must Know Stories
Robert Harrison
An understanding of Bible story is essential to so much of our culture, literature, history, language … Bible references are woven into the fabric of our national, artistic and literary heritage. The tabloids talk of a 'David and Goliath encounter' on the football pitch, a 'Damascus Road experience'... (more)
More information on Oriel's Travels - An Archangels Account of the Life of Jesus
Robert Harrison
In this sequel to "Oriel's Diary" the archangel Oriel's mission seems simple; to make sure Paul gets to Rome with the Good News of the resurrected Christ. But Oriel didn't bargain for forced flights, hair-raising escapes, a shipwreck and imprisonment...not to mention his own fears of the sea!