More information on Hearts To Heaven And Tempers Raise
Reg Frary
Like a favourite TV comedy series, Reg Frary returns with another collection of all-too believable stories about anarchy and revolt waiting to break out in the choirstalls. They may look angelic in their robes, and may (on rare occasions) even sound like angels, but it's a dirty game keeping one ste... (more)
More information on We Don't Do That Tune, Vicar
Reg Frary
There's nothing like singing a favourite hymn to the wrong tune to get everyone up in arms - the congregation will blame the vicar, the vicar will blame the organist, the organist will take it out, as usual, on the choir who claim they never, ever, sing any other tune. By this and other such common ... (more)
More information on The Lost Chords: The Parish Choir Tries it's Best
Reg Frary
Here are 23 new stories, written with characteristic affection and wit, which will greatly entertain Reg's loyal and eager readers. Bellowing basses, lead singers at least a line ahead of everyone else, temperamental organists, mildewing sheet music and fusty robes - welcome to the world of the loca... (more)