More information on Free to Fail: Living in the Love of God
Revd. Dr. R. Parker
A new edition with black and white illustrations of the personal autobiography of one of the 20th-century's most celebrated mystics, edited from his personal journals. Profound, breathtaking and moving, he describes the sadness and joys of his search to know God. Thomas Merton's influence and ap... (more)
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Russ Parker
The Bible teaches us' Russ Parker writes, 'that blessing is a unique ministry resource gifted to believers to effect the purposes of God in peoples 'lives' In this enthralling book, the author tells of situations of family estrangement, depression and chronic illness; of times of hopelessness and he... (more)
More information on Healing Wounded History: Reconciling Peoples and Healing Places
Russ Parker
An exciting presentation of a fresh approach to healing by one of the UK's leading exponents of pastoral care and Christian healing Russ Parker explores the power of wounded group stories and reveals how they affect the people and places where they first occurred. He shows how history repeats itself... (more)
£14.99  £12.99
More information on Healing Wounded History: Reconciling Peoples and Healing Places
Russ Parker
An exciting presentation of a fresh approach to healing by one of the UK's leading exponents of pastoral care and Christian healing Russ Parker explores the power of wounded group stories and reveals how they affect the people and places where they first occurred. He shows how history repeats itself... (more)
£14.99  £12.99