More information on The Great Pursuit: The Message for those in search of God
Randall Niles / Eugene H peterson
Everything you need to get started on a powerful, personal journey of discovery that can last a lifetime. Are you looking to find out more about God - whoever God is - on your terms, in your own way? This collection of spiritual stories and information is designed to help you in your pursuit ... (more)
More information on At Heaven's Gate: Reflections on Leading Worship
Richard Giles
Worship can be a duty rather than a joy, a gathering of the likeminded rather than an encounter with the living God. For those who lead worship, the liturgy can be reduced to a steady progression through a service book, instead of a drawing forth of gifts and ministries from an expectant assembly en... (more)
More information on How To Be An Anglican: A Beginner's Guide
Richard Giles
This text explores the classical Anglican approaches to worship, doctrine, scripture, prayer and much more. Though acknowledging that Anglicanism is far from perfect, the book celebrates its most attractive and enduring characteristics.
More information on Creating Uncommon Worship: Transforming the Liturgy of the Eucharist
Richard Giles
Liturgy is all too often about words and is led from the front. This imaginative and profoundly theological companion is packed with ideas on how to enrich the liturgy by creating a context of action, movement and symbolic expression involving the whole assembly. A modern-day Priest's Handbook, ... (more)
More information on Here I am
Richard Giles
Based on the words of the new Anglican Ordinal which are spoken at every ordination, here is a profound and lasting meditation on the essential of the priestly life. Exploring every aspect of this dedicated life, it offers timeless inspiration to all, from those contemplating their vocation to those... (more)
More information on Times And Seasons -Creating Transformative Worship Throughout the Year
Richard Giles
Common Worship Times and Seasons has greatly enriched the language of our seasonal celebrations and in this complementary volume, Richard Giles offers simple yet powerful ideas for bringing that language to life, drawing on ancient customs that originate in the earliest Christian centuries and on co... (more)
More information on Young People As Prophets
Roger Sainsbury / Richard Bromley / Dave Wiles
Young people's voices very often say it like it is, are counter-cultural, fragile, and frequently ignored. As such they share many characteristics of the biblical prophets. From their wide experience of working with youth, the authors explore how young people have spoken prophetically in Scriptu... (more)