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This is the greatest story ever told, illustrated by possibly the greatest Christian artist. The Gospel text, from all four Gospels, combines with Rembrandt's beautiful, sensitive and worshipful art. This lavishly illustrated book relates the story of the birth of Jesus, as recorded in the NIV. It c... (more)
More information on The Overcomers
Richard Wurmbrand
Pastor Richard Wurmbrand served 14 years in prison in Romania; he himself is one of "the persecuted saints." His wife Sabina, served 3 years in prison. Together they formed "Voice of the Martyrs," an organization dedicated to keeping alive the courage and commitment of men, women, and children who l... (more)
More information on Tortured For Christ
Richard Wurmbrand
This classic story of amazing faith in shocking circumstances has been updated for a new generation. Its message remains urgent and relevant: thousands of Christians are still persecuted and tortured around the world today, suffering solely for their belief in Jesus Christ. Richard Wurmbrand endured... (more)