More information on When Trouble Comes
Phil Ryken
Whether we're dealing with suffering, temptation, sin, grief, or persecution, it's easy to feel alone in our troubles. But the reality is that everyone experiences trouble at some point, and we have a Father in heaven who promises to always be with us. In this honest and encouraging book, Phil Ryken... (more)
More information on 1 Timothy (Reformed Expository Commentary)
Philip G Ryken
Focuses on 1 Timothy's practical implications for life in the local church, while also defending and promoting the orthodox theology.
More information on Discovering God in Stories from the Bible
Philip Graham Ryken
Not just know that he exists, but know who he is and what he is like. This exploration of God's unchanging character, as revealed in thirteen stories from the Bible, offers you this opportunity-to get to know him better and love him more. Each chapter focuses on a different attribute of God, h... (more)
More information on Written in Stone: The Ten commandments and Today's Moral Crisis
Philip Graham Ryken
The Ten Commandments are an expression of God's eternal character and have binding force today. Here Philip Ryken offers basic principles for interpreting and applying them-explaining them one by one, illustrating each with a biblical account, and relating each to the person and redemptive work of J... (more)
More information on What is a True Calvinist?: Basics of the Reformed Faith
Philip Graham Ryken
Basics of the Reformed Faith booklets introduce lay readers to Reformed distinctives. These resources are designed especially for use by Presbyterian and Reformed churches.
More information on Galatians (Reformed Expository Commentary)
Philip Graham Ryken
The book of Galatians was written for recovering Pharisees. By trying to base their standing before God on their spiritual performance in keeping the law, the Galatians were in danger of distorting the grace of God. They needed to hear again the liberating message of the gospel, that we are not just... (more)
More information on He Speaks to me Everywhere - Meditations on Christianity and Culture
Philip Graham Ryken
Meditations on Christianity and Culture. Living out the Christian life in a culture that tries to forget God. What does Christians have to do with Love and Marriage, Sports and Leisure, Science and Technology, Social issues and Politics, Feasts and Festivals, Church History, and Christianity today.
More information on Is Jesus The Only Way? (Today's Issues Series)
Philip Graham Ryken
We've all heard people say it: "The problem with Christians is that they think their Jesus is the only way to heaven." Even reason says: We go to the college of our choice, watch the cable channel of our choice, and eat the food of our choice. So why can't we pray to the god of our choice and get to... (more)
More information on Exodus - saved for God's glory
Philip Graham Ryken
Philip Graham Ryken mines the majestic biblical book of Exodus for knowledge of God's character and instruction. Ryken's commentary moves readers to rejoice at God's work in the life of everyone who is on the path to spiritual freedom. A Preaching the Word commentary. To read Exodus is to encount... (more)
More information on Written in Stone: The Ten Commandments and Today's Moral Crisis
Philip Graham Ryken
Do the Ten Commandments apply today? Philip Graham Ryken believes they are an expression of God's eternal character. In this book he explains the value of the law--to convict us of our sin, restrain sin in society, and show us how to live for Christ. He offers basic principles for interpreting and a... (more)