More information on When Bobbie Sang the Blues: A Cozy Mystery
Peggy Darty
One Woman’s Trash Is Another Woman’s Mystery… When mystery writer Christy Castleman’s Aunt Bobbie storms into town, she brings a burst of wild wind to quiet Summer Breeze, Florida–and new life to the junk she scavenges for her trash-to-treasure shop, I Saw It First. Bobbie enjoys restoring be... (more)
More information on When Zeffie Got a Clue
Peggy Darty
It’s an ordinary afternoon in Summer Breeze, Florida, when a young, wide-eyed girl steps into I Saw It First, the trash-to-treasure shop Christy Castleman and her Aunt Bobbie have opened. Clutching a jewelry box, Zeffie Adams tells Christy she needs money to pay her grandmother’s medical bills, prom... (more)
More information on Heartsong - Lilly's Dream
Peggy Darty
Satisfy the legions of romance readers hungry for wholesome, Christ-centered stories by carrying Barbour's Heartsong Presents line. Each of these mass market paperback novels is a top-quality romance reflecting Christian values through realistic stories. Available in both contemporary and historic s... (more)