More information on When Necessary Use Words: Changing Lives Through Worship...
Mike Pilavachi
Deep down we know it: There has to be more than singing songs on Sunday morning, handing out tracts at work, or helping out at the soup kitchen. How do we integrate worship, evangelism, and justice into our lives as a whole, rather than compartmentalizing all three? Mike Pilavachi wants to see all t... (more)
More information on Wasteland? Encountering God in the Desert
Mike Pilavachi
With honesty and wit, Mike helps us to understand - and even relish - those difficult times in our lives when our dreams are unrealised and our spirituality feels dry and lifeless. Drawing from characters in the Old and New Testament, he puts together a biblical survival kit for the journey so that ... (more)
More information on Worship, Evangelism, Justice
Mike Pilavachi
We know that worship is much more than singing songs to God. Don't we? Loving the Lord God with all our hearts, strength, mind and understanding is our highest priority, but can we do that without following the second commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves? This book looks at what happ... (more)
More information on Everyday Supernatural Living a Spirit-Led Life without Being Weird
Mike Pilavachi & Andy Croft
Most Christians believe in God s power, yet few see evidence of the supernatural in their lives. Mike Pilavachi and Andy Croft believe that God wants each of his followers to know the work of the Holy Spirit.
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