More information on Lemonade in the Desert
Les Parrott / Leslie Parrott
This fun, sweet book emphasizes the importance of cultivating true friendships through communicating, being compatible, listening, giving each other space, and especially making room for fun. As the authors of nearly two dozen books on family life, the Parrotts are recognized as a couple who lives i... (more)
More information on 7 Secrets of a Healthy Dating Relationship
Les Parrott III
Here are the plans to create meaningful Bible study and discussion for teenagers based on seven secrets of healthy dating relationships.
More information on 7 Secrets of a Healthy Relationship
Less Parrott III
Choosing whom to date and ultimately finding true love is one of the most important decisions teens and young adults will ever make. "7 Secrets" outlines seven qualities to look for in others and ourselves to build great relationships. Choosing whom to date - and ultimately finding true love - is... (more)