More information on Colors of His Love, The
Kathy Troccoli
What color is your life? Washed-out beige? Rainy-day gray? Or is it embroidered with gold, growing green, true blue, and the red blood of Christ? Best-selling authors Brestin and Troccoli illustrate principles from 1 John with biblical stories and art masterpieces to show you how to become radiant w... (more)
More information on Live Like You Mean It
Kathy Troccoli
In each of the many vital roles you fill as a woman, you take your responsibilities seriously, but lately you've begun to wonder, "Where's the joy?" If you yearn to recapture a sense of passion and purpose, here's the hope you've been waiting for. Drawing on her own discoveries in embracing what her... (more)
More information on A Love That Won't Walk Away
Kathy Troccoli
But God is waiting to give the assurance that, in a world that is uncertain, He is certain. Even after times of immense joy or incredibly deep sadness, He will never walk away from His Beloved. So, how do we grasp God's promise to love us and never walk away? First of all, we remind ourselves of the... (more)