More information on Women of the Bible
Kathy Collard Miller
The women of the Bible have a lot to say to women of today. They can tell them how to live, how not to live, what choices to make, and why. The Smart Guide to the Bible: Women of the Bible introduces you to the Old and New Testament's most influential women, both young and old, shy and bold. T... (more)
More information on Paul and the Prison Epistles (The Smart Guide to the Bible)
Kathy Collard Miller / Larry Richards
Some of the most joy-filled books in the New Testament were written from a small, dark prison cell. Although hungry, cold, and scarred, Paul exalted his savior's love and grace to the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. How was Paul able to rest so securely? And how can you today? The Smart Guid... (more)