More information on Knowing God's Purpose for Your Life
J. I. Packer
In daily bite-sized chunks, J.I. Packer offers profound meditations designed to bring delight to the heart and strength to the spirit. Knowing God's Purpose for Your Life features the best of Packer's theological musings in a powerful and practical format. Each month covers a new topic and poi... (more)
More information on Affirming the Apostles' Creed
J. I. Packer
The Apostles' Creed, the oldest and most beautifully succinct summary of Christian beliefs, is also a deeply personal profession of faith. Noted theologian J. I. Packer examines the meaning and implications of each phrase of this great creed, providing insightful material for personal and group stud... (more)
More information on Guard Us, Guide Us - Divine Leading in Life's Decisions
J. I. Packer / Carolyn Nystrom
Seeking God's guidance is a focus for many believers. We want to know what God has planned for our lives. Are we making the right decision? Are we in his will? For some people, knowing God is guiding their lives makes them relax. But others fear making the wrong choice and find themselves ... (more)