More information on SCM Studyguide: The Old Testament
John Holdsworth
This undergraduate textbook provides an introduction to the Old Testament by drawing the reader into the subject, explaining that whilst it is a puzzling book, the many different ways to read it make it also a very exciting book. Aimed at students with or without a religious background, the author e... (more)
More information on Dwelling in a Strange Land
John Holdsworth
Dwelling in a Strange Land turns conventional wisdom on its head and asks whether this sense of homelessness is not in fact the proper state for God's pilgrim people. Freed of its anxious need for certainty and safety, might the church become more open to God's direction and a more authentic sig... (more)
More information on Prophets and Loss: Exploring the Old Testament (Church Times Study)
John Holdsworth
Contains monthly study guides. These booklets, by experienced teachers of theology, aim to inform Christians systematically about aspects of doctrine and issues, so that they may think, act and face the intellectual challenges of the age with greater confidence.
More information on Church Times Study Guide: Prophets and Loss (Pack of 5)
John Holdsworth
Contains monthly study guides. These booklets, by experienced teachers of theology, aim to inform Christians systematically about aspects of doctrine and issues, so that they may think, act and face the intellectual challenges of the age with greater confidence.
More information on Church Times Study Guide
John Holdsworth
This booklet focuses on the part of the Bible everyone knows best: the Gospels. Or are they as well known as we think? Why are there four accounts of Jesus life and why do they sometimes give quite different accounts of the same events? This very accessible and enjoyable study will help readers gain... (more)
More information on Church Times Study Guides: Here is the News
John Holdsworth
Understanding what news is and how it is crafted helps us understand how better to craft news about God. This title takes a different approach to the Bible, exploring it in terms of styles of news reporting - photo-opportunity and soundbite (as in John ), doorstepping ( Luke ), celebrity news (David... (more)
More information on Church Times Study Guide: Here is the News (pack of 5)
John Holdsworth
Understanding what news is and how it is crafted helps us understand how better to craft news about God. This title takes a different approach to the Bible, exploring it in terms of styles of news reporting - photo-opportunity and soundbite (as in John ), doorstepping ( Luke ), celebrity news (David... (more)
More information on Church Times Study Guides: Yours Sincerely (single)
John Holdsworth
The aim of the "Church Times Study Guides" is to inform Christians about aspects of belief and practice in a systematic way so they may think, act and respond to the intellectual challenges of the day with greater confidence. Each short booklet includes a brief historical survey of its subject to sh... (more)
More information on Church Times Study Guides: Yours Sincerely (pack of 5)
John Holdsworth
The aim of the "Church Times Study Guides" is to inform Christians about aspects of belief and practice in a systematic way so they may think, act and respond to the intellectual challenges of the day with greater confidence. Each short booklet includes a brief historical survey of its subject to sh... (more)
More information on Getting Started with the Bible - A Guide to Complete Beginners
John Holdsworth
Getting Started With the Bible is a beginner's guide which provides an easy way in to understanding individual books of the Bible and the entire panoramic of the biblical drama and message. Many people coming to faith through initiatives like Fresh Expressions have had little or no contact with C... (more)