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John Skinner
More information on Hear Our Silence: A Journey into Prayer
John Skinner
What is prayer? How may we approach our Maker in a simple, direct way? In listening to the Silence within. For if once we begin to attend to our deeper Self then we begin that most enriching encounter: to see Self enclosed within our Maker. Julian of Norwich tells us: 'God is nearer to us than our o... (more)
More information on Edge Of Known Reality And Beyond
Jonathan Skinner
What is life all about? How can we make sense of it? Why are we here? It seems to be basic to being human to wonder if there is anything more to life – more that is, than just making the most of the seventy or so years that our hearts manage to keep beating. Does God exist? Has he communica... (more)
More information on The Rise of Paganism
Jonathan Skinner
Cataclysmic changes are occurring in our society and at a rate that is astounding. The religious and spiritual outlook of our generation is undergoing seismic shifts that would have been undreamt of a few decades ago. People are becoming spiritually hungry, but instead of looking in the direction of... (more)