More information on Moment of Christ: Prayer as the Way to Gods Fulfilness
John Main
In this, the last book he wrote before his death, the spiritual writer John Main characteristically turns to the source and focus of all his inspirational teaching about prayer - the presence of Christ. He writes,'Learning to meditate is the most practical thing in the world. You require only one qu... (more)
More information on Monastery Without Walls
John Main
Much of today's fascination with and attraction to the Rule of St. Benedict can be attributed to John Main, a Benedictine monk, who first saw that this rule of life for monastic communities could be relevant for Christian living in the secular world. He founded a community of lay people who shared h... (more)
More information on Door to Silence
John Main
This is a collection of short quotes, aphorisms and words of wisdom from the great 20th century spiritual writer, John Main. The quotes, which are intended as springboards for contemplation, are drawn from his talks, letters, journals and other unpublished sources. They are gathered around a number ... (more)
More information on Word into Silence
John Main
An introduction to the practice of Christian meditation, this book offers a twelve step programme in learning meditative prayer.
More information on The Heart of Creation - Meditation: A Way of Setting God Free in the W
John Main
We take it for granted that aspects of monastic life can sustain our daily lives in the world, but we owe this understanding to John Main, a Benedictine monk who pioneered the idea that the desert tradition of meditative or contemplative prayer, which had largely been forgotten the West, w... (more)