More information on Changing Churches: Building Bridges in Local Mission
Jeanne Hinton
At a time when traditional church institutions are eroding, how are Christians at the grassroots responding to the challenge of change? Is there new hope coming from the grassroots? How can local churches re-engage with their neighbourhoods in a plural society? What is effective Christian witness to... (more)
More information on Changing Communities: Church from the Grassroots
Jeanne Hinton / Peter B. Price
How can the churches in Britain and Ireland flourish in the face of rapid change, cultural variety, non-traditional spirituality, social division and secular assumptions? Many say the answer is a "new way of being church". But what does this mean in practical terms? In "Changing Communities", Jeanne... (more)
More information on Small Christian Communities Today: Capturing the New Moment
Joseph G Healey / Jeanne Hinton