More information on How To Talk So Your Kids Will Listen
H Norman Wright
H. Norman Wright provides practical advice and encouragement to parents on how they can learn their child’s emotional language, unlocking the door to their child’s heart—and vastly improved relationships! Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to talk so that both children and teens will listen.... (more)
More information on Key To Your Man's Heart: How To Understand the Man In Your Life
H Norman Wright
The Key to Your Man's Heart dispels the common misconception that men desire only surface relationships. Women will be led to recognize that men, too, want a closer connection-it's their method of expressing this that differs. Wright's breakthrough concepts will help women understand the way men sha... (more)
More information on Now That You're Engaged
H Norman Wright
Build a Marriage That Will Last a Lifetime "You must constantly fight to keep your commitment to marriage primary in your lives and resist the pressure to share that commitment with other facets of life. Your level of commitment is the most vital factor in determining the success or failure of y... (more)
More information on Communication @ Work
H. Norman Wright
So many of us today feel hopelessly isolated-lonely, misunderstood and unable to connect meaningfully with the people we meet at the store, at the office, at church, even at home! America's best-known Christian counselor Norm Wright tackles this modern-day malady in an important new book, Communicat... (more)
More information on A Woman's Forbidden Emotion
H. Norman Wright / Gary J. Oliver
The authors show women how owning, expressing, and using their anger can be both necessary and beneficial to bring about needed change.
More information on Healing Grace for Hurting People
H. Norman Wright / Larry Renetzky
Practical Steps for Restoring Broken Relationships. Many Christians live in the misery of bitterness, unforgiveness and trauma caused by spouses, parents, grandparents or others who have sinned against them. Although the pain can seem unending, there is hope for those who seek healing grace to cover... (more)
More information on Experiencing Prayer With Jesus
Henry Blackaby / Norman Balckaby
Henry and Norman Blackaby's thorough study of Jesus' prayer life reveals astounding truths about God's intent for prayer. By the time readers turn the last page of this 2006 National Day of Prayer book, their old notions will be replaced by the reality of Jesus' example.