More information on Chosen
Ginger Garrett
Her wit and beauty brought her the throne, and her compassion saved a nation. But what was hidden in her heart? Read the secrets of Queen Esther---from her days as a poor market wench through her marriage to the most powerful man in the ancient world. What really happened in Xerxes's palace? 304 pag... (more)
More information on Chosen: The Lost Diaries of Queen Esther
Ginger Garrett
"There is only one ransom for a woman's heart, and that is love, given in honor." But what becomes of the heart when that honor is compromised? Wrenched from a simple life for her beauty, Esther finds herself at the mercy of the King Xerxes. Leaving behind her only relative, her cousin Mordecai, ... (more)
More information on Queen Esther's Secrets of Womanhood: A Biblical Rite of Passage for Yo
Ginger Garrett
Using the book of Esther as a springboard for topics such as respect, romance and confidence, moms and daughters have a year's worth of discussion topics.