More information on From Scotland to Canada: the Life of Pioneer Missionary Alexander Stew
Glenn Tomlinson
Alexander Stewart was converted to Christ during the dramatic revival in Moulin, in the Highlands of Scotland, in 1799. This revival fuelled a strong outpouring of missionary activity and church planting throughout Scotland. Stewart felt the call of God on his life and attended Robert Haldane's Theo... (more)
More information on Looking Beyond Brexit
Graham Tomlin
The Referendum may have rent the country asunder like no other issue in recent memory, but there are significant resonances with events in the past. Almost 500 years ago, in a sixteenth century version of Article 50, Britain made a break from Europe, declaring the King – rather than the Pope – Supre... (more)
More information on The Seven Deadly Sins
Graham Tomlin
The inspiration behind the Hollywood blockbuster, Se7en (1995), the seven deadly sins are pride, greed, envy, anger, lust, gluttony and sloth. In this fascinating new book, experienced author and theologian Graham Tomlin explains the historical background to the sins before looking at each one in ... (more)
More information on Spiritual Fitness: Christian Character in a Consumer Culture
Graham Tomlin
A focus on physical fitness is part of modern culture, at least for some, with the number of gyms and memberships at an all-time high. Not so when it comes to spiritual fitness. Graham Tomlin argues that much of the modern church is spiritually flabby, its members lacking distinctiveness as Christia... (more)