More information on Christianity with Attitude
Giles Fraser
Giles Fraser is one of the most passionate and outspoken figures in the Church today, and a refreshing antidote to the bland and soggy language of much of modern Christianity - not least, he admits, of his own liberal tradition. Inspired by the fiery language of the Bible whose writers believed ... (more)
More information on Space for Grace: Creating Inclusive Churches
Giles Goddard
‘Inclusive’ is a term that is most closely associated with questions of human sexuality, but in relation to theology and to local church life it has many more dimensions which this book explores. Like so many others, the church of which Giles Goddard is rector was, fifty years ago, almost exclus... (more)
More information on You're Special - Exploring God's Love for His Children
You’re Special is primarily a book for children, but will appeal to people of all ages. Through effective use of reflection, poems, Bible readings and imaginative activities, it helps to build up confidence and self-worth as we come to realise that we are all valued by God as his children.