More information on Built upon the Rock: Studies in the Gospel of Matthew
Daniel M. Gurtner / John Nolland
This collection of essays from the 2005 Tyndale Fellowship conference covers topics pertinent to the entire first Gospel, including Matthew’s sources, the role of Jerusalem, the problem of anti-Semitism, Matthew’s portrayal of salvation history, and more. Reflections by seasoned veterans — Donald Ha... (more)
More information on You Are Here: A Straight-Shooting Guide To Mapping Your Future
Danny Holland
You’re not here on earth just to breath, own some neat stuff, and die. You know there’s much more to it than that. So why do so many people waste their lives? The truth is, thrill seeking and intense experiences can be exciting, but they can’t give you the sense of true meaning you long for. Her... (more)
More information on Reading Matthew: A Literary and Theological Commentary
David E Garland
Reading Matthew provides thorough guidance through Matthew's story of Jesus. Garland's commentary reveals the movement of the story's plot while also highlighting the theology of Matthew. Reading Matthew is an essential book for studnets and ministers studying the first Gospel. David E. Garland i... (more)
More information on Flawed Families of the Bible
David Garland / Diana garland
Most Christians believe that the Bible holds the answers to their questions about daily living, and that reading the Scriptures will show them good examples to follow for their own lives. Think for a moment and try to list a few examples of healthy families in the Bible who are ideals worth emulatin... (more)
More information on The Quotable Oswald Chambers
David McCasland
This comprehensive collection offers easy access to all of the themes, teachings, and scripture references in the works of the world's most beloved devotional writer.
More information on Eric Liddell: Pure Gold
David Mcmasland
Here's the story of a classic Olympic champion whose life away from athletic competition was even more compelling.