More information on So You Don't Want to Go to Church Anymore
Dave Coleman / Wayne Jacobsen
What would you do if you met someone you thought just might be one of Jesus’ original disciples still living in the 21st Century? That’s Jake’s dilemma as he meets a man who talks of Jesus as if he had known him personally. This is Jake’s compelling journal that chronicles thirteen conversations wit... (more)
More information on Single Parenting That Works
Dr Kevin Leman
Being a parent is challenging enough. Being a single parent can seem downright impossible. But now, drawing on material from his successful Single Parenting That Works curriculum guide and video series, Dr. Kevin Leman, America's favorite parenting expert, brings help and hope to the legions of sing... (more)
More information on Single Parenting That Works
Dr Kevin Leman
Being a parent is challenging enough. Being a single parent can seem downright impossible--until now. Drawing on material from his successful Single Parenting That Works curriculum guide and video series, America's favorite parenting expert, Dr. Kevin Leman, brings help and hope to the legions of si... (more)
More information on What Your Childhood Memories Say About You...And What You Can Do About
Dr Kevin Leman
What are your earliest childhood memories? Were you afraid of the dark? Can you remember a particularly embarrassing moment? Those memories--along with the words and emotions you use to describe them--hold the key to understanding the person you are today! Drawing on examples from his own life, the ... (more)
More information on 7 Things He'll Never Tell You
Dr Kevin Leman
Kevin Leman wants you to know that men are less complicated than you give them credit for. At the core of men, you'll find a sensitive, emotional being that needs to feel loved, respected and needed. Men are very protective of their core. It's this protective behavior that keeps men from openly shar... (more)
More information on Home Court Advantage
Dr Kevin Leman
Ask today's parents how they spend their time, and they're likely to say, "Working and driving the kids to their activities." The modern reality is that well-meaning parents are working long hours and then signing their kids up for every available activity: music lessons, ballet, choir, one or two s... (more)
More information on Running The Rapids
Dr Kevin Leman
Ever been white-water rafting? That sudden rush of adrenaline, exhilaration, and white-knuckle terror and that overwhelming sense of foreboding that leaves you gasping for breath and hoping against all hope you'll live to see another day? If so, then you know the thrill, the terror, the risks, and, ... (more)