More information on Secrets of the Secret Place
Bob Sorge
Secrets of the Secret Place has one central purpose: to fuel your passion for the secret place with God. Divided into 52 short chapters, it can serve as a companion to your devotional life. Not only will Sorge help you defuse your personal struggles related to the secret place, he'll also inspire yo... (more)
More information on Secrets of the Secret Place: Companion Study Guide
Bob Sorge
This Companion Study Guide directs you how to go deeper in the principles of the book, Secrets Of The Secret Place, and also provides clear guidelines for leading small groups in a study through the book. Used together, these two books comprise an unparalleled equipping tool for moving believers int... (more)
More information on Unrelenting Prayer
Bob Sorge
Exploring Jesus' parable of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8), Sorge helps to explain why God sometimes bears long with His elect, articulates God's purpose in the wait, expounds on how justice involves both restoration and restitution, and ignites faith to believe God to avenge us of our adversary... (more)