More information on Isaiah: A covenant to be kept... (Focus on the Bible)
Allan Harman
A Covenant to be kept for the sake of the church Isaiah has been called the 'fifth gospel'. Why? Because in it God speaks through his prophet of his people's departure from truth, the need for repentance and the redemption provided by a coming saviour. Isaiah's imagery is some of the most beaut... (more)
More information on Daniel
Allan M Harman
The book of Daniel has inspired Christians throughout the centuries to faithful and obedient service in the face of danger and persecution. Daniel and his companions were living far from their own homes and land, in a culture that was dominated by a faith situation completely antagonistic to their o... (more)
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Allan Retallick
More information on Sunday School in HD
Allan Taylor
Church leaders are presented with winning practices to strengthen growing and non-growing Sunday School programs, where the health of great churches is most often rooted.