Blessed are the Dead Who Die in the Lord
Roger Carswell
A booklet for Christian bereavement. In Revelation seven angels are sent to explain what is happening. One says, ""Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." So the New Testament begins with Jesus' Beatitudes (blessings) and also ends with blessings. It has been an assurance that has encouraged God's people facing death. Death is an enemy, a great destroyer--in one fell swoop taking people's aspirations and dreams. Death severs a person from their loved ones, it is relentless, cruel and merciless. Yet God's verdict concerning his children who die in the Lord is that they are blessed of the Lord. Find out how?

In the Book Of Revelation John, the author, describes how seven angels explain what is happening. One of these seven says, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, from now on." God, the Holy Spirit, reinforces this with the words, "Yes, they will rest from their labours, for their deeds will follow them."
So the New Testament that begins with Jesus' Beatitudes, or blessings, ends with blessings for God's people. Although the words were written for those who die in the Great Tribulation, they have been an assurance that has encouraged all God's people who have stared death in the face.
Death is an enemy. It is a great destroyer. In a foul swoop death takes all the aspirations of a person, the dreams of their heart and the memories of the mind. Death severs the ties that bind a person to their loved ones. Death's work is relentless, cruel and merciless.
Yet God's verdict concerning His children who die in the Lord is that they are blessed of the Lord. How then, can that be? May you be comforted by the words of the booklet.

ISBN: 9781857928945
Catalogue code: N/A
Publisher: CHRISTIAN FOCUS - published N/A
Format: Paperback  
