More information on Public and Private Morality: Reflections on King David
Tom Houston
Almost every time we open our newspapers we are confronted by the downfall of someone in a prominent leadership position - whether through corruption, personal scandal or negligence. In an age of political sleaze, corporate greed and media spin there is a dearth of inspirational and righteous leader... (more)
More information on Characters Around the Cradle
Tom Houston
Christmas makes people both happy and frustrated, especially Christian people. There is a tug-of-war between the secular Christmas with its tinsel, glitter and high spending on gifts, and the meaning it was supposed to have from the unusual birth of Jesus. Tom Houston looks at a great story with ... (more)
More information on Characters Around the Cross
Tom Houston
In this updated and expanded version of the popular original, Tom Houston brings to life each of the characters involved in the death of Jesus on the cross. He provides us with insights into the historical context of each character and encourages us to imagine the impact that their encounter with Je... (more)