More information on In Her Words Patircia St John's Story
Patricia St John
Patricia St John was a master storyteller and her books continue to captivate readers even today, but her personal story is no less exciting than one of her fictional tales. It is full of adventure, larger-than-life characters and exotic destinations. But this isn’t some unimaginable far-flung lifes... (more)
More information on Follow The Cloud
John Stickl
Millennial pastor of one of the fastest growing churches in America, John Stickl gives readers the answer to the question: "How do I hear God's voice?" The answer is more about what God wants to do in us than what God wants to do through us. And what God wants to do in us is set us free. Pastor John... (more)
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More information on Same Sex Relationships
John Stott
What does the Bible say about same-sex relationships? How should Christians think about this divisive and heartfelt issue? And what of those who are caught in the crossfire: the brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attraction, but are committed to being faithful to the teaching of scripture ... (more)
More information on Christian Basics
John Stott
Christianity the world's largest religion: almost a third of the population describe themselves as Christian. Over 2000 years since it first started, no other religion has had such cultural and global impact and millions today claim their lives are completely changed by their decision to be a Christ... (more)
More information on I Believe in Preaching
John Stott
Is preaching dead - or at least dying? In a digital age, where congregations have unprecedented access to resources, do we still need sermons?
More information on The Anglican Psalter:
John Stott
Previously titled "The New St Paul's Cathedral Psalter" this new edition with its new name reflects its wider purpose of resourcing parish churches in their regular worship. Use of the "Psalms" in worship is growing since the introduction of the Common Worship lectionary and Psalter has placed renew... (more)
More information on Prayer is an Adventure: Building a Friendship with God
Patricia St John
Did you know that you are made of three parts and they are all important? You are made of body, mind and spirit. With your body you communicate with other people. You talk to them, listen to them, touch them, see them. You play with them and work with them. With your mind you communicate with other ... (more)