More information on You are Beloved	Hardback
Henri Nouwen
'We are the Beloved. We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children and friends loved or wounded us. That's the truth of our lives. That's the truth I want you to claim for yourself. That's the truth spoken by the voice that says, 'You are my Beloved.'' - Henri Nouwen, ... (more)
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More information on Can You Drink the Cup?
Henri Nouwen
The last book published before Nouwen's death in 1996, Can You Drink the Cup? has been translated into ten languages and sold more than 135,000 copies. Exploring the deep spiritual impact of the question Jesus asked his friends James and John, Nouwen reflects upon the metaphor of the cup, using the ... (more)
More information on Our Second Birth: Christian Reflections on Death and New Life
Henri J M Nouwen
The inspirational readings of Our Second Birth throw light on the meaning of life, friendship, and the love of God, and are seen from the perspective of the life to come. Drawn largely from Sabbatical Journey, but newly packaged for devotional and gift markets, this volume is the newest addition to ... (more)
More information on Love In A Fearful Land
Henri J M Nouwen
Nouwen wrote this moving account of his pilgrimage to a Mayan town in Guatemala, where an American priest was murdered by a death squad as he worked in the parish he served. This richly illustrated edition commemorates the 25th anniversary of Stanley Rother's death and reminds us that we are all mem... (more)
More information on With Open Hands
Henri J M Nouwen
The lives of too many of us are like a tightly clenched fist---unable to give, to receive, or to reach out. Nouwen beckons us toward a better way---being open to God and to others, and being aware of our own fears and needs. Illustrated with photos. 136 pages, softcover. Ave Maria.
More information on Peacework: Prayer, Resistance, Community
H Nouwen
One of Nouwen's most prophetic works! Written twenty years ago during the Cold War tensions, his message carries new resonance today. Every Christian, according to Nouwen, should be personally and collectively engaged in peacemaking. This means not only opposing violence, but resisting our own selfi... (more)
More information on Out Of Solitude: Three Meditations on the Christian Life
Henri J M Nouwen
Henri Nouwen invites us to reflect on the tension between our desire for solitude and the demands of contemporary life. He reminds us that it was in solitude that Jesus found the courage to follow God’s will. And he shows us that fruitful love and service must spring from a living relationship with ... (more)
More information on Turn My Mourning into Dancing
Henri Nouwen
In times of suffering, simplistic answers ring empty and hollow. But Henri Nouwen, beloved spiritual thinker and author, offers real comfort in the concrete truth of God's constancy. Nouwen suggests that by greeting life's pains with something other than despair, we can find surprising joy in our su... (more)
More information on With Burning Hearts
Henri J Nouwen
One of the most popular of contemporary spiritual writers offers a profound and beautiful reflection on the meaning of the Eucharist for ourselves and our communities. The word "eucharist", Nouwen tells us, originally comes from the Greek for "thanksgiving". And while the ancient source provides one... (more)
More information on Gracias!: A Latin American Journal
Henri J Nouwen
In Henri Nouwen's journal entries, he captures each moment and thought of his struggle to find God's calling during his journey through Peru and Bolivia. Not only does he describe his own feelings, but also the joys and struggles of the people he came in contact with. His journal depicts the true ve... (more)