More information on Brother of Jesus
Hershel Shanks / Ben Witherington
Towards the end of 2002, Andre Lemaire, from the Sorbonne, discovered, whilst visiting a Jewish antiquities dealer, an ossuary - or bone box - which bears the inscription 'James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus'. This discovery immediately caused wide-spread international interest and it was heralde... (more)
More information on Great Events in the Story of the Church
Geoffrey Hanks
Starting with the crucifixion of Jesus and ending with the 1974 International Congress on World Evangelisation, Geoffrey Hanks explains the significance of these 36 events on our church today. He traces several themes through the book such as the collating of the scriptures into 66 books and cen... (more)
More information on Brother of Jesus,The
Hershel Shanks / Ben Witherington
Towards the end of 2002, Andre Lemaire, from the Sorbonne, discovered, whilst visiting a Jewish antiquities dealer, an ossuary - or bone box - which bears the inscription "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus". This discovery immediately caused widespread international interest and it was heralded... (more)