More information on The Celtic Way of Prayer
Esther de Waal
While it may seem that everything that can be said about Celtic spirituality has been said, this outstanding book has already established itself as a classic and as essential reading. Its beauty and wisdom lingers in the mind and in the heart.First published in 1996, it has sold tens of thousands of... (more)
More information on Seeking Life - A Benedictine Spirituality of Living the Baptised Life
Esther De Waal
Baptism is the entry point into the Christian family and the Church is the community of the baptized. It is fundamental to our Christian identity and many congregations renew their baptismal promises on Easter Day each year - such is its significance. Yet, how well do we understand the spirit and de... (more)
More information on Living With Contradiction: Benedictine Wisdom for Everyday Living
Esther De Waal
The world, the Church and our personal lives are full of conflict - opposing demands pull us in all directions. This book presents the wisdom of Benedict, which shows how ambiguity and uncertainty can be transformative and healing.
More information on Lost in Wonder: The Spiritual Art of Attentiveness
Esther De Waal
A new book by Esther de Waal is a major publishing event. Her first significant new work for some years, it encapsulates her mature reflection on using the everyday circumstances of our lives - the restrictions and frustrations as well as the gifts and opportunities - as our very own way to God. She... (more)