More information on Preaching the Cross
Mark Dever / J Ligon Duncan / R Albert Mohler / C J Mahaney
Proclaiming the gospel is without a doubt the most important task of pastoral ministry, yet often other, seemingly more urgent activities obscure it. From time to time all pastors and preachers need to be reminded of the primacy of the gospel. Preaching the Cross does just this. It is a call to e... (more)
More information on Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the Main Thing
C J Mahaney
What Really Matters Have the extremities taken over and left the core of your faith forgotten? Do you get confused by what you feel versus what is real? Let dynamic pastor C. J. Mahaney strip away the nonessentials and bring you back to the simplest, most fundamental reason for your faith: Jesus Chr... (more)
More information on Humility: True Greatness
C J Mahaney
God clearly states that he is drawn to the humble. He's also clear that He opposes the proud. These two, humility and pride, cannot coexist. Where one is fostered, the other is defeated. Which will you pursue? C.J. Mahaney paints a striking picture of the daily battle quietly raging within every Ch... (more)