Lynn Eib
A book of powerful stories about cancer patients and their families who have been touched by God in miraculous ways--some in their bodies, others in their minds, all in their spirits--offers inspiring testimony that, when God and cancer meet, cancer is conquered. The author, herself a cancer survivo... (more)
Barbara Baker
This work describes the causes, symptoms and treatment of depression and goes into detail about the difficulties of caring for someone who is depressed. It explores how depression affects relationships and the emotions of carers.
Stephen Arterburn
In his breakthrough book on obsessions of the heart, best-selling author Stephen Arterburn examines love addiction why it is on the rise, what it looks like, who it afflicts and what to do if you suspect yourself or someone you love to be suffering from it. Like alcoholics or drug addicts, love addi... (more)
M Jacobson
We are becoming more unhealthy with each passing generation. As our lives speed by, we turn to fast food, processed dinners, and exercise is replaced with 'vegging out' on the couch. But our bodies belong to God and we are to honor Him with our bodies. How do we do this? According to Dr. Michael Jac... (more)
Louise Morse