More information on Raising Children God's Way
Martin Lloyd-Jones
When the light of the gospel enters the soul it brings with it a supernatural power that radically transforms the whole of life. This change is perhaps no more clearly seen than in the relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children. Our age has witnessed an almost total collapse of t... (more)
More information on Romans: Liberty and Conscience
Dr M Lloyd-Jones
All Christians have been made free by Christ (John 8:36), but not all have an equally strong grasp of what this means in practice. Some are weakened by scruples about things which are strictly neither right nor wrong, while others assert their liberty in a way which risks doing violence to the consc... (more)
More information on Romans: Life In Two Kingdoms
Dr M Lloyd Jones
First published in 1970, this collection of 17 Bible studies on Romans 3:24 through 4:25 was first preached at London's Westiminster Chapel in 1957. Welsh teacher and evangelist Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds the text (although he uses the King James Bible, he is using the Greek original) not only... (more)